Sunday, September 30, 2012


DAY 3:

Fees: Individual Classes: Dk60 / Dk100 for the whole day activities with the exception of the workshop CREATIVE CONTROL (Workshop fee for the whole week: DK500) and Crossing the Stage’ ( Workshop fee for the three days Dk400) and the performances ( A Dk60 donation will be asked at the door; this will help to paid the choreographers).

• Movement Improvisation and Composition Class. "Making something out of nothing". Taught by Lucy Suggate.9:30 – 11:30. Open to all levels. (Store Carl).

• Contemporary Dance Classes. Taught by Jeremy Nelson. 2:30 –14:30 (Store Carl).
Matteo Fargion photo by Flavio_
• Workshop: ‘Crossing the Stage’ and other scores. Lead by Belgium based composer and performer Matteo Fargion - a long time Jonathan Burrows' collaborator. 14:45 –17:45.  A 3 day composition workshop focussing on what happens when ideas techniques and structures which come primarily from music are translated into movement.  The sessions will consist of numerous quick-fire exercises, often using extreme reduction of possibilities to stimulate the imagination.  Questions about how to find material, how to keep something going, what makes a strong or a weak change and other compositional ‘problems’ will be discussed. (Store Carl).

• UNVEILED/BLOCK 2: WinP. 14:45 to 16:15. A block of  ½ hour per person will be given to Not Festival participants’ to show Work in Progress and get feedback.

• Workshop: CREATIVE CONTROL: Controlling sound and video in performances and installations with Junxion. Lead by sound artist Ivo Bol. 16:30 to 19:30.(Lille Carl).
 Image: Ivo Bol

• NOT FESTIVAL PERFORMANCES 1. 20:30. ( Store Carl, Lille Carl and Foyer). Performances include choreography, video, sound and performance art works by: Melanie Maar. Skyped dance performance from NY / Jeremy Nelson & Jimena Paz. Dance / Zoran Poposki . Film: “Portrait of the artist as a cultural worker” / Ivo Bol. Live sound performance / Luis Lara Malvacias  “Pussy Riot” Dance Performance / Directed by Ursula Eagly “Group Dynamics and Visual Sensitivity (NY/2011) will be re-created to be performed by Copenhagen local dancers.

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