Sunday, September 30, 2012

Not Festival: An atypical point of view, if you allow me. October 22nd to 27th, 2012.

For classes, workshops and general 
information on the NOT FESTIVAL 
activities, visit:
 Remember to reserve a place by e-mailing:

                 NOT FESTIVAL TEAM.

Not Festival: An atypical point of view, if you allow. October 22nd to 27th, 2012.

The Not Festival: An atypical point of view, if you allow me will take place from October 22nd to 27th, 2012. It will serve as a platform for experimentation, creation, presentation and open dialogues. It consists of a series of performances and installations, jams, screenings, lectures and discussions of topics that are relevant to contemporary dance, performance and art today, as well as contemporary dance classes and workshops. All the activities will be created, developed and presented at Dansehallerne.

It is a kaleidoscopic new media artistic object created by Luis Lara Malvacías. It is ephemeral, erratic and nomadic. Through the use of old and new technologies and media, it embraces the ideas of global artistic collaboration and the cross-cultural, interdisciplinary, DIY attitudes. It exists outside the realm of the establishment, which implies generally non-existing financial support. However, its inclusive nature allows it to move inside and outside of institutions and at the same time to avoid the institutional restrictions. This political “object” aims to fight the standardized and systematized commodification of the arts. Thus, it is NOT a FESTIVAL.

The event also questions the boundaries and definitions of the generally accepted roles of the “presenter” and the “presented”. Participant artists are encouraged to play an active role in managing and facilitating it, and to use their creativity not only in their own work but also in the creation of the event itself. For instances, My Linblad and Gry Raaby , two Copenhagen-based choreographers/ dancers are helping to coordinate and organize a team of other Copenhagen-based artists. The Dance Department of the  Statens Scenekunstskole has agreed to be part of this and to help to co-produce part of the event, as this will be of great benefit for its students. In every edition of the Not Festival a conceptual framework is offered to the participants and it is embedded in the title chosen for each occasion. The title chosen for the Copenhagen edition, Not Festival: An atypical point of view, if you allow me, is open to the artists’ own interpretations. 

Among others, activities include contemporary dance classes taught by Jeremy Nelson; Movement and Sound taught by Brussels based composer  Matteo Fargion ( long time Jonathan Burrows' collaborator); Controlling sound and video in performances with Junxion software, lead by Amsterdam based sound artist Ivo Bol; Improvisation and composition workshop by Lucy Suggate; and Feldenkrais workshop taught by New York based teacher/choreographer Jimena Paz. The exhibitions, performances and lectures involve local and international artists.

There are many ways in which people can get involved and participate. They can take the classes and workshops, show a work in progress or show an old short piece during the evening performances or create one in the space facilitated by the Not Festival, they can participate in the lectures or come to see the performances and screenings. There are many more ways to be part of the Not Festival. For a full program of the activities or for more information on classes and workshop fees, discounts for participants, etc. please feel free to contact or All the information is available at and in


DAY 1:

Fees: Individual Classes: Dk60 / Films screenings: Dk30 / Dk120 for the whole day activities with the exception of the workshop CREATIVE CONTROL (Workshop fee for the whole week: DK500).

• Movement Improvisation and Composition Class.  "Making something out of nothing". Taught by Lucy Suggate. 9:30 11:30 Open to all levels. (Upstairs Studio).
Jeremy Nelson by Susanne Lencinas.
• Contemporary Dance Classes. Taught by Jeremy Nelson.
12:30 – 14:30. (Store Carl)

• UNVEILED/BLOCK 1: WorkinProgress. 14:45 to 16:15. A block of  ½ hour per person will be given to Not Festival participants’ (teachers, performers, artists, students, etc) to show Work in Progress and get feedback. The idea is to start a dialogue that could benefit their process. The participation in this activity is on a first-come first-served basis. (Lille Carl). FREE

• Workshop: CREATIVE CONTROL: Controlling sound and video in performances and installations with Junction. Lead by Amsterdam based sound artist Ivo Bol.  16:30 to 19:30. This workshop for musicians, dancers, VJ's and installation artists will be about working with the JunXion software to control sound and video using cameras, USB game controllers and Wii remote. It involves learning the technology and using it to create a performance to be presented as part of the Not Festival activities. (Lille Carl).
Image: Virgil Wong

• Portrait Of The Artists With Black Framed Glasses. First Session: 19:30 to 20:30. Skype Artists Talk and Collective Dinner. 5 artists who work in different artistic disciplines ( dance, installations, performances, new technologies, graphic design, science, photography, etc) will be invited to talk about their work through Skype. The artists live in Hong Kong, Vienna, Ontario, Copenhagen, Illinois, Honolulu and New York and create work that includes community, public spaces, education, environment, technology and in many ways intersects with social and political issues. People attending the talk will be asked to bring food to be shared during the talk. (Foyer). FREE

• GÉNERO ABIERTO 1. Screening of contemporary short films and videos. Open genres. 20:45 to 22:30. (Store Carl).


DAY 2:                  

Fees: Individual Classes: Dk60 / Dk120 for the whole day activities with the exception of the workshop CREATIVE CONTROL (Workshop fee for the whole week: DK500).
Lucy Suggate by Es Terni Festival
• Movement Improvisation and Composition Class. "Making something out of nothing". Taught by Lucy Suggate.
9:30 – 11:30. Open to all levels. (Store Carl)

• Contemporary Dance Classes. Taught by Jeremy Nelson.
12:30 – 14:30. (Store Carl)

• UNVEILED/BLOCK 2: WinP. 14:45 to 16:15.  A block of  ½ hour per person will be given to Not Festival participants’ (teachers, performers, artists, students, etc) to show Work in Progress and get feedback. The idea is to start a dialogue that could benefit their process. The participation in this activity is on a first-come first-served basis.  (Lille Carl)

• Workshop: CREATIVE CONTROL: Controlling sound and video in performances and installations with Junxion. Lead by Amsterdam based sound artist Ivo Bol. 16:30 to 19:30. This workshop for musicians, dancers, VJ's and installation artists will be about working with the JunXion software to control sound and video using cameras, USB game controllers and Wii remote. It involves learning the technology and using it to create a performance to be presented as part of the Not Festival activities.  (Lille Carl).
                                                                                                       Zoran Poposki by WONG, Kai Yu
• Portrait Of The Artists With Black Framed Glasses. Second Session: 16:30 to 17:30. (Foyer).

• Open Jam. 18:00 to 19:30. (Store Carl).

• Lecture: "What is a performative space". 20:30 to 21:30pm (Foyer).  TBC


DAY 3:

Fees: Individual Classes: Dk60 / Dk100 for the whole day activities with the exception of the workshop CREATIVE CONTROL (Workshop fee for the whole week: DK500) and Crossing the Stage’ ( Workshop fee for the three days Dk400) and the performances ( A Dk60 donation will be asked at the door; this will help to paid the choreographers).

• Movement Improvisation and Composition Class. "Making something out of nothing". Taught by Lucy Suggate.9:30 – 11:30. Open to all levels. (Store Carl).

• Contemporary Dance Classes. Taught by Jeremy Nelson. 2:30 –14:30 (Store Carl).
Matteo Fargion photo by Flavio_
• Workshop: ‘Crossing the Stage’ and other scores. Lead by Belgium based composer and performer Matteo Fargion - a long time Jonathan Burrows' collaborator. 14:45 –17:45.  A 3 day composition workshop focussing on what happens when ideas techniques and structures which come primarily from music are translated into movement.  The sessions will consist of numerous quick-fire exercises, often using extreme reduction of possibilities to stimulate the imagination.  Questions about how to find material, how to keep something going, what makes a strong or a weak change and other compositional ‘problems’ will be discussed. (Store Carl).

• UNVEILED/BLOCK 2: WinP. 14:45 to 16:15. A block of  ½ hour per person will be given to Not Festival participants’ to show Work in Progress and get feedback.

• Workshop: CREATIVE CONTROL: Controlling sound and video in performances and installations with Junxion. Lead by sound artist Ivo Bol. 16:30 to 19:30.(Lille Carl).
 Image: Ivo Bol

• NOT FESTIVAL PERFORMANCES 1. 20:30. ( Store Carl, Lille Carl and Foyer). Performances include choreography, video, sound and performance art works by: Melanie Maar. Skyped dance performance from NY / Jeremy Nelson & Jimena Paz. Dance / Zoran Poposki . Film: “Portrait of the artist as a cultural worker” / Ivo Bol. Live sound performance / Luis Lara Malvacias  “Pussy Riot” Dance Performance / Directed by Ursula Eagly “Group Dynamics and Visual Sensitivity (NY/2011) will be re-created to be performed by Copenhagen local dancers.


DAY 4:

Fees: Individual Classes: Dk60 / Dk100 for the whole day activities with the exception of the workshop CREATIVE CONTROL (Workshop fee for the whole week: DK500) and Crossing the Stage’ ( Workshop fee for the three days Dk400) and the performances ( A Dk60 donation will be asked at the door; this will help to paid the choreographers).

• Workshop:"GIVE ME MY DAILY DANCE" Attempts to be an alternative to the traditional morning class. Led by Lucy Suggate. 9:30 – 11:30 (Store Carl).

• Contemporary Dance Classes. Taught by Jeremy Nelson. 2:30 – 14:30 (Store Carl).

• Workshop: ‘Crossing the Stage’ and other scores. Lead by Belgium based composer and performer Matteo Fargion - a long time Jonathan Burrows' collaborator. 14:45 –17:45 (Store Carl).

• KIA (Keenly Intensely Applicable): Start time: 9am. An experiment. Working in groups the participants of the workshop CREATIVE CONTROL will be provided with free space, sound, lights and video equipment, as well as clues and tasks. Changing the leader every hour within the group, their final goal will be to create a performance. This will give the group the opportunity to practice the information learned during the previous days. Ivo Bol will mentor the group. The performance will be presented at Lille Carl by they the end of the day as part of the evening performances.(LC)
                                                           Image from RISK:RECLAIM:ENTERTAIN. Video

• NOT FESTIVAL PERFORMANCES 2. 20:30. ( Store Carl, Lille Carl and Foyer)
Performances include choreography, video, sound and performance art works by:
Jeniffer Monzon. Skyped artist talk from Illinois / Tine Østergaard Dance.Solo “Has no title”
Ali Abbasi, Gry Rabby and Marie-Louise Stentebjerg. Film: “End of Locomotion”
Lucy Suggate. Dance: “Dry Surfing” / RISK:RECLAIM:ENTERTAIN. Video.and CREATIVE CONTROL workshop participants. Interdisciplinary performance.


DAY 5:

Fees: Individual Classes: Dk60 / Dk100 for the whole day activities with the exception of the workshop CREATIVE CONTROL (Workshop fee for the whole week: DK500) and Crossing the Stage’ ( Workshop fee for the three days Dk400) and the performances ( A Dk60 donation will be asked at the door; this will help to paid the choreographers).

• Workshop:"GIVE ME MY DAILY DANCE" Attempts to be an alternative to the traditional morning class. Lead by Lucy Suggate. 9:30 – 11:30.(Store Carl).

• Contemporary Dance Classes. Taught by Jeremy Nelson. 12:30 – 14:30 (Store Carl).


• Workshop: ‘Crossing the Stage’ and other scores. Lead by Belgium based composer and performer Matteo Fargion - a long time Jonathan Burrows' collaborator.
14:45 –17:45 (Store Carl)

• KIA (Keenly Intensely Applicable): Start time: 9am. An experiment. Working in groups the participants of the workshop CREATIVE CONTROL will be provided with free space, sound, lights and video equipment, as well as clues and tasks. Changing the leader every hour within the group, their final goal will be to create a performance. This will give the group the opportunity to practice the information learned during the previous days. Ivo Bol will mentor the group. The performance will be presented at Lille Carl by they the end of the day as part of the evening performances.(Lille Carl)

                                            Elaine Despins. Image from Video 'Radiance'
• NOT FESTIVAL PERFORMANCES 3. 20:30. ( Store Carl, Lille Carl and Foyer)
Performances include choreography, video, sound and performance art works by:
Paul Sloan. Skype performance from Chicago / Richard Fredborg. Dance. Untitled Solo / Elaine Despins. Video: “Radiance”
Directed by Luis Lara Malvacias JA!!, a piece about Laughter will be re-created to be performed by Copenhagen local dancers.
CREATIVE CONTROL workshop participants. Interdisciplinary performance.
Martin Vognsen. Live sound performance


DAY 6:

• Workshop: Feldenkrais taught by Jimena Paz. 10:00 – 14:00. Open to all levels. (LC). Fee Dk 100

• Venezuelan Brunch (and bring your own). Brunch. 14:30 to 16:00.Meet, talk, socialize and network with other Not Festival participants and guests.

 • JAGGED & CRAMMED 1. 16:30pm to 18:30pm: Performances of the most recent work created by the dance students of the Statens Scenekunstskole. FREE (LC)

• NOT FESTIVAL PERFORMANCES 4. 20:00 Jonathan Burrows and Matteo Fargion

'There are few performers who can hold an audience captive like this double act... the timing of every note, shrug, laugh and gesture is awesome. Five stars.' Judith Mackrell, The Guardian, on Cheap Lecture and The Cow Piece, London
Burrows and Fargion describe what they do as 'handmade and human- scale'. They build with simple, non-spectacular elements but arrive often at a deceptive virtuosity, radiating delight even as it makes the audience think. Over the past ten years the two artists have built a body of duets which juxtapose the formality of music composition with a radical and open approach toperformance and audiences. Cheap Lecture and The Cow Piece are a conversation with the structure of John Cage's Lecture On Nothing, at once a homage to and questioning of a way of thinking that has underpinned so much dance and performance in the last thirty years.
for more information about this performance go to